ERDRP is available to anyone who wishes to challenge a .name domain, email
address and/or Defensive Registration on the basis that the current registrant
has failed to comply with the Eligibility Requirements. The ERDRP is not intended
to replace any national law or any other resolution policies such as the UDRP.
Although the process is very similar to the UDRP, the ERDRP carries a lower
burden of proof. Unlike the UDRP where a claimant must demonstrate that the
owner of a registration registered a domain name in bad faith and used the
domain name, the ERDRP allows a claimant to prevail where it can be
demonstrated that such registration does not comply with the Eligibility
Requirements. Not one site will be excluded from this requirement. Many had to rearrange their domains to come up to standard including most casino sites, like this one. If you visit the link you will even see other great online betting sites and games that are safe and up to code.
The ERDRP also contemplates a consent process, through which an individual
may seek permission to register a .name domain or email address, even if it
would otherwise be blocked by a Defensive Registration. This process takes
place outside the dispute resolution process governed by the ERDRP and is
the advisable first step in attempting to gain registration of a blocked name.
See Content/Denial Process for more details.
Also, read the full text of the ERDRP and the ERDRP Rules in the “Documents”
section to the left for more complete information.